Tuesday, October 16, 2007

CIS Ethnography Proposal

Our first priority in this great undertaking we call the ethnography is to choose a topic. Since I will be spending a good chunk of time with the members of this subculture, I figured that I should probably pick a good topic right from the get go. I have narrowed down my list, but I haven’t found the right one, yet. As I write this blog, my list has been narrowed to the following: Preschool/ ECFE Classes, the DMV, or a police precinct.If I chose to attend preschool or ECFE classes, I would most likely try to attend classes at Small Wonders, or ECFE courses through Community Ed. If I chose to study the DMV, I would visit the DMV campuses at Chaska or Edina. If I chose to analyze a police department, I would visit a local department, preferably New Prague, Jordan or Montgomery.Upon entering the world of the preschooler, I would probably assume that I probably wouldn’t do much interacting with them right away, because I picture the preschoolers being intimidated by my presence until they get to know me. Once they familiarize themselves with me, I can picture the kids wanting me around to play with, or talk to. At the DMV, I assume the majority of the people there would be students, trying desperately to get their license or permit, people not from Minnesota who are also trying to obtain their license, or foreigners trying to obtain their taxi driving license. At the station, I can picture the police officers relaxing, and willing to talk before they go back on patrol. It would be fun to observe a preschool class because I enjoy being around kids, and they say the funniest things! I think it would be interesting to go to the DMV because there are so many different types of people that go there. I have an aunt who is a Minneapolis police officer, so I think it would be interesting to contrast big city cops, to smaller community police officers.In this age of data privacy, I would probably need to have waivers filled out if I attended a preschool. If I couldn’t get waivers filled out, I would probably just change names, to retain the child’s privacy. Privacy would also be an issue if I chose to study a police department. Police officers are able to talk about what they do on a regular basis, but they aren’t supposed to get into details of things they investigate. School doesn’t end until 2:30. Most preschools have morning sessions and early afternoon sessions. I think there is a 2:45 session at Sunshine Preschool, located at my church, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.Having graduated from Small Wonders preschool, I might be able to get into their classes. My church, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, is the site of Sunshine Preschool. I don’t have any other brokers to get me into the DMV or the police departments. Any assistance would be appreciated.The only conflict I would have regarding hours of availability is that school ends at 2:30. By then, most preschool classes in the area have finished. I don’t think there are any areas that would be offended by my presence.If I chose the DMV, a preliminary thesis would be that the DMV is a stressful place and a place where people would rather not be. If I chose to study a police department, a possible thesis would be, the police do more than most people believe to assure that we are safe. My preliminary thesis about my studies of a preschool class would be, your time in preschool is a time to be cherished because you get play time with new friends, delicious, healthy snacks, opportunities to learn and nap time, all in one day.


Hello, this is my first trial blog.